Ramsey named RTHS Critical Thinker of the Year

RTHS grad participated in math team, scholastic bowl and speech

Posted 6/6/24

Rochelle Township High School recently announced that Aiden Ramsey has been named its 2023-2024 Critical Thinker of the Year. 

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Ramsey named RTHS Critical Thinker of the Year

RTHS grad participated in math team, scholastic bowl and speech


ROCHELLE — Rochelle Township High School recently announced that Aiden Ramsey has been named its 2023-2024 Critical Thinker of the Year. 

Aiden has accomplished many things while at RTHS. Among his many endeavors, he has been a member of the cross country team, math team, scholastic bowl team, speech team, chess club and International club. Aiden is also a talented trombonist and has been a valuable member of the marching, jazz and concert bands while at RTHS. In addition to his many activities, Aiden is also a member of the National Honor Society and Interact club. His superior math skills led him to being named the Illinois Council of Math Teachers “Student of the Year” for RTHS. He was chosen as the recipient of the SAR Award (Sons of the American Revolution) by his classmates for his outstanding characteristics of leadership, service, character, and patriotism.

Mr. Hill, Aiden’s math teacher commented, “I would consider Aiden Ramsey to be among the top three students of my teaching career”. While Mr. Fonfara adds, “He is the highest-scoring member of the math team since I became the math team coach. He is team oriented, often helping other members of the team in practice to prepare them to do their best. He is creative in the way he solves problems; applying various methods he has learned in his classes to attack problems in different ways”.

Aiden earned the Silver Service Honor Cord while volunteering 358 hours in the school and community throughout his high school career. Helping lead the RTHS Winter Assembly is just one of many examples of him using his gifts and talents to help others in and out of the classroom. 

“We thank Aiden for the many things he has brought to RTHS throughout his four years and are honored to name him the recipient of the Critical Thinker of the Year Award for the 2023-2024 school year,” an RTHS press release said.

Aiden received a $500 scholarship and a $50 donation to Hope for the Warriors charity will be made in his name.