A recent opinion piece in the Rochelle News-Leader defined what “lawfare” is, and then dismissed any assertions that it was being pursued against President Trump as quickly as you would turn off a light. However, if you look at the details of the various cases which were indicted and pursued against then Republican Presidential candidate Trump, you get a different view.
One of the reasons I enjoy living in Rochelle so much is how supportive our residents are of community organizations and community causes.
It is unusual for a president-elect to have many world leaders and industry leaders posture intensely, trying to get on his good side before he becomes president.
It’s that time of year where I start fielding calls from landlords curious about what cash rent for farmland should be. There’s no magic formula as coming to a cash rent is a negotiation. However when looking at the economic impact of grain farming last year I would caution those landlords that cash rents may be decreasing, particularly if you want to keep a good tenant on the farm. A mindset of less is more may be appropriate.
The staff at our Rochelle ALDI have been meeting the special needs of their customers for years by purchasing gift cards to "help" customers when times are difficult.
Are you looking for all of the answers on how to reduce your persistent fears and anxieties? Fear and anxiety can ruin your life if you do not know how to overcome it.
Recently, while attending a community event, someone asked me how things were going at Kish. I began to answer with the usual, “Things are fine,” but stopped myself, adding, “Actually, things are better than fine — they are really great.”
A federal court has ordered a nationwide preliminary injunction halting enforcement of a law requiring the filing of private business ownership information with the federal government.
A vision of the past haunts those who argue against U.S. support for Ukraine in its war with Russia. It directs our attention to America’s experiences in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and warns against entanglements in far-away military conflicts. We must indeed avoid the mistakes of those ill-conceived ventures.
Among the four different types of technology, production technology is the knowledge, tools, machines, and systems that we use to make artifacts we need and want for living our lives. We manufacture “products”, which are artifacts transported from the location where they are produced, or we construct “structures”, which are artifacts that remain at the location they are produced. Our unique human actions of inventing, designing and producing artifacts to satisfy ourselves partially defines what people are, and understanding production technology is fundamental to understanding humans.
What does the word “weaponize” mean? If it is being said that a person or entity is being tried before a court for breaking a law, does that mean that the said law is being weaponized against them? Does this make it wrong? If so, does that mean we cannot have any laws? I say no because laws are weapons against people or entities doing something that will hurt the public. It’s why they exist.
Farm labor is a big topic in the US, primarily in states that grow fruits and vegetables. Without that labor food does not get to your table and if it does it’s more expensive.
Happy Holidays! It was exhilarating to see our community at the Christmas Walk Parade. The Library had a great time! It was a chilly evening, but we saw all of our Library friends and had a fabulous time decorating cookies, eating popcorn, drinking hot chocolate and watching a movie at our Open House. It is always a fun evening.
The Flagg Township Museum held “A Holiday Tea” on December 17 at the Lincoln Arts Center.
The Ross Heirship controversy has largely been forgotten. If you lived in Lane or Rochelle between 1888 and 1945 it was an ongoing nightmare. At the peak of the legal challenges over 60 residents of Rochelle were threatened with ejectment suits, the ownership of 40 acres of Rochelle were under debate. But as Charles Dickens said, “The way to tell a story is to begin at the beginning.”
Today it certainly is a global economy. Whether manufacturing, trade or wholesale we are all tied to foreign companies and industries.
There are many reasons why some people are reluctant to get help for their mental health or addiction issues.
Sustainability is a word we hear quite a bit these days. In agriculture it translates in context to caring for the air, land and water to pass our farms onto the next generation to produce food and fiber for a global economy. Sustainability also translates into improving the efficiencies of agriculture in order to provide a profit to those involved in the industry in order to sustain their families and their livelihoods.
Do you always vacation at the same place? Would you like to explore new destinations but aren’t sure where to start? Let me help by asking a few questions to create your own travel bucket list and maybe find some new favorite places!
There are close families, and there are really close families. This is a story of the closest family I have had the honor of finding.
At the outset, I did believe that it was wrong for President Biden to pardon his son, Hunter. Not because of any hideous acts or because he refused to pay the back taxes he owed or to own up to gun charges. He didn’t do any of this. But the President did say he wouldn’t pardon him, ever. Yet shouldn’t we fully understand his action? To do this, it is necessary to look at all the efforts surfacing at this time that may have influenced his decision.
One of the great pleasures I have in my roles as the city manager is being involved in numerous community organizations. One of the things I love most about Rochelle is the number of organizations and people who work tirelessly to better the situation of those around them.
With Christmas staring us in the headlights like a deer on the road I thought I’d share a couple of diddies to help get you in the mood. Enjoy!
As we close out 2024, it has been an exceptionally good year for Rochelle, with many events and happenings that will be enjoyed for many years.
I dealt with fear and anxiety for over 20 years and there are 21 facts that I discovered during my mental health struggles that can help anyone who struggles with fear and anxiety.