Don’t be a litter bug

Terry Dickow
Posted 9/3/21

Reader Kathie suggested we go back to “Don’t be a Litter Bug” campaigns. The amount of trash along the roads seems to be getting worse.

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Don’t be a litter bug


Reader Kathie suggested we go back to “Don’t be a Litter Bug” campaigns. The amount of trash along the roads seems to be getting worse.

The interchanges with Interstate 39 are often a disgrace.  

Some local service clubs and groups volunteer for roadside cleanups,  but it seems a week or two after they are done the area is just as bad.

And why do people dump their fast food takeout garbage on country roads? It just astounds me that someone can buy a burger and fries and dump the bag out the window on  their way home.

Reader Kathie said it was a matter of respect. I agree. You can’t respect your town, country, neighbors, or the environment by tossing garbage onto the road.

I have seen cups blow out the back of pickup trucks and papers blow out the windows of cars. I get it. That happens.  

But dumping a sack of burger boxes and fry bags is just wrong.

Project Jackpot

Someone should start a pool on Project Jackpot.

That is the project going in where Nippon Sharyo was. City Manager Jeff Fiegenschuh said last week the company would make an announcement by November. They have spent $130 million prepping the Nippon plant for their use.

Wind turbine blades?  Electric cars or trucks?  Airplanes?  Slot machines?

The only thing that bothered me is they have not told their current Chicago employees that there is a move in store. 

Illinois 251

I hope the state can get its road building program going. I read where the city is hoping Illinois Route 251 from near Flagg Road to Jones Road/Illinois Route 38 gets redesigned and repaved. Seventh Street also needs work, years of truck and car traffic have wreaked havoc with that road.

Illinois Route 38 from Rochelle to past Creston is terrible too. This week state crews were out doing something to the road. I don’t know if it will lead to a repaving, but since there are no flags along the road, I suspect only some patch paving. But the road needs to be rebuilt, like Illinois Route 38 from the DeKalb County line to the east was in the past.

Standard Oil station

I like the idea of using the old Standard Oil station downtown as a starter location for people running in-home businesses.

But I do miss the historic aspect of the building and friend Connie in her old time uniform.

Happy Labor Day!

Terry Dickow can be contacted at