Letter: Be careful how we handle our future!

Bud Norcross
Posted 8/13/21

Germany in 1940. You could travel anywhere in that country but were mandated to carry papers giving you permission. They also identified your religion and if you were a member of the party in power.

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Letter: Be careful how we handle our future!


Dear editor,

Germany in 1940. You could travel anywhere in that country but were mandated to carry papers giving you permission. They also identified your religion and if you were a member of the party in power.

Russia in 1980. You could travel anywhere in that country if you had papers giving you permission. Papers told where you lived, all your history and if you were a member of the party in power.

China in 2020. You could travel anywhere in that country if you had papers giving you permission and if you were a member of the party in power and didn’t belong to a religion not sanctioned by the party.

America in 2021. You can travel anywhere in this country. But will we soon need papers proving that we have had a medical procedure mandated by the government in power? Will you be allowed in a school, restaurant, church, store or any other public place without holding up your papers stating what, where and when it was done?

America was founded on freedom of choice, religion, speech, etc. We still have freedom of religion and speech for now. Are we willing to give up our freedom of choice? What could come next?

The federal government is funded by “We the People” for the sole purpose of defending our liberties and our borders. We, as Americans, need to speak up and let our representatives know that “freedom of choice” is no less of an American right than any other.

-Bud Norcross, Rochelle.