We love books!

Flagg-Rochelle Public Library Director Sarah Flanagan
Posted 2/15/22

Jacqueline Kennedy said, “There are many ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.”

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We love books!


Jacqueline Kennedy said, “There are many ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.” (https://www.blacksailbooks.com/blog/36-reading-is-important-quotes). Books are the foundation of the library.

The information and knowledge that is found in books can change your life. You can read a great fiction novel that sweeps you away to a far land or a non-fiction selection that articulates some facts and information. Some books are very small but make a huge impact on you depending on when you read them. There are times in everyone’s life when they need different kinds of materials to help them move forward on their journey. 

“The size of the American reading public varies depending on one’s definition of reading. In 2017, about 53 percent of American adults (roughly 125 million people) read at least one book not for school or for work in the previous 12 months, according to the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Five years earlier, the NEA ran a more detailed survey, and found that 23 percent of American adults were “light” readers (finishing one to five titles per year), 10 percent were “moderate” (six to 11 titles), 13 percent were “frequent” (12 to 49 titles) and a dedicated 5 percent were “avid” (50 books and up).” (https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2019/09/love-reading-books-leisure-pleasure/598315/)

When our library was built in 1912, it was 4,200 square feet. When the new addition was built in 1989, it increased the library to 20,000 square feet. Today within those 20,000 square feet, we have 60,000 volumes and that total does not include our digital holdings. The library offers materials for all ages and all types of readers. We encourage you to come to the library and explore our resources. Check out some different authors and see what interests you. If you do not find the right book the first time, do not be discouraged. Come back and we will find another book that is the right fit for you. 

Reading is a wonderful gift that you can give to anyone. It is free, and it is something that everyone can learn and grow from. If you need a library card, and live in Flagg Township, remember you need two forms of identification, one with a picture and one with something with your name and current address. Come to the library and find your love of reading. We love books! 

Sarah Flanagan is the director of the Flagg-Rochelle Public Library District.