On March 15 at approximately 4:32 p.m. deputies responded to a call of criminal trespass to a residence in the 800 block of North Devils Lane in rural Byron. While en route, deputies were further advised by dispatch of a domestic problem in the 5,400 block of North River Road involving the same male offender. After investigation, deputies placed Clifford Swanson, 56, of Byron, under arrest for criminal trespass to a residence (class four felony), criminal trespass to a residence, and disorderly conduct. Swanson was additionally charged with possession of a stolen vehicle (class two felony) and criminal trespass to a vehicle. Swanson was transported to the Ogle County Jail, where he was held pending a court appearance in front of a judge.
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OREGON — On March 15 at approximately 4:32 p.m. deputies responded to a call of criminal trespass to a residence in the 800 block of North Devils Lane in rural Byron. While en route, deputies were further advised by dispatch of a domestic problem in the 5,400 block of North River Road involving the same male offender. After investigation, deputies placed Clifford Swanson, 56, of Byron, under arrest for criminal trespass to a residence (class four felony), criminal trespass to a residence, and disorderly conduct. Swanson was additionally charged with possession of a stolen vehicle (class two felony) and criminal trespass to a vehicle. Swanson was transported to the Ogle County Jail, where he was held pending a court appearance in front of a judge.
On March 15 at approximately 9:21 a.m. deputies conducted a traffic stop at the intersection of Interstate 39 and Illinois Route 72. After investigation, deputies placed Rashad Griffin, 27, of Elgin under arrest for driving while license suspended. Griffin was additionally issued a citation for operating an uninsured vehicle. Griffin was released on a notice to appear at the scene and given a future court date.
On March 15 at approximately 10:50 a.m. deputies arrested Whitney Barmore, 30, of Rockford when she turned herself into the Ogle County Jail. She was arrested an outstanding failure to appear warrant for obstructed front windshield. Barmore posted the $549 bond, was released, and will have no further court appearances.
On March 17 at approximately 5 a.m. deputies were dispatched to a domestic problem at 364 S. Church Road. Later in the afternoon, deputies conducted a follow-up at the residence and arrested Kimberly Santiago, 40, of Kings for domestic battery. Santiago was transported to the Ogle County Jail, where she was held pending a court appearance before a judge.
On March 17 at approximately 3:30 a.m. deputies conducted a traffic stop at the intersection of Illinois Route 64 and Church Road. After investigation, deputies placed Manuel Roman, 39, of Rockford, under arrest for aggravated driving under the influence (class four felony), aggravated driving while license revoked (class four felony), driving under the influence, and driving while license revoked. Roman was additionally issued citations for speeding, improper U-turn, and operating an uninsured vehicle. Roman was transported to the Ogle County Jail, where he was held pending a court appearance before a judge.
On March 17 at approximately 10:20 p.m. deputies initiated a traffic stop on Interstate 39 southbound at mile post 106. After further investigation, deputies arrested Deandre Edwards, 29, of Rockford, for driving while license suspended. Edwards was also cited for no registration light and suspended registration. Edwards was released on a notice to appear with a future court date given.
All individuals are considered innocent until proven guilty.