We have known Chad Horner for many years and want to voice our support for him as the next Ogle County coroner.
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(Paid letter)
Dear editor,
We have known Chad Horner for many years and want to voice our support for him as the next Ogle County coroner. Chad has all the qualities that will make him an outstanding elected public official. As a former police officer and school teacher, we understand the traits necessary to be an effective public servant. First and foremost, a servant leader needs to understand their position is not about themselves. A public servant must understand their job is about those they serve and those with whom they serve. Chad fully understands this. Chad’s ultimate goal is to not just win the election but to humbly serve others.
The second trait a leader must possess is the ability to build relationships of trust and understanding. A common complaint against politicians is they do not meet our expectations. They make promises but do not carry them out, and thus we lose our trust in them. Chad is committed to fulfilling his promises and steadfastly maintaining the trust a voter places with him. Chad is not a drive-by candidate. He has made a great effort to meet with, and talk to, as many people as possible. He listens empathically and earnestly. He has a unique ability to engage people and be fully committed to them in the moment. After an interaction with Chad, you will walk away with a sense that you were heard and that you are better off for having met him. The scores of recent conversations Chad has engaged in with the people of Ogle County will guide his efforts, help him meet the expectations of those he serves, and build trust in our public officials.
Please consider voting for Chad Horner for Ogle County coroner…he has our support, and we know he will be an outstanding public servant.
-André and Marguerite Brass, Byron