2024 is off to a great start in Rochelle. Our team at the city is overseeing many projects and initiatives are transforming 2024 into one of our most productive years during my tenure.
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2024 is off to a great start in Rochelle. Our team at the city is overseeing many projects and initiatives are transforming 2024 into one of our most productive years during my tenure. During the last city council meeting, our staff presented the proposed concepts for the downtown improvements being funded in part through a State of Illinois downtown improvement grant and alternate revenue bonds. The project includes a downtown gathering facility that will allow for outdoor events, resurfacing of parking lots, redevelopment of blighted properties, new sidewalks and undergrounding of utilities. A huge thank you to the committee of staff and council members worked to develop and bring this great project to fruition.
The Community Development department created an arts committee made up of residents and business owners to help create more public art in our downtown and other public spaces. This group of dedicated individuals has brought a lot of great ideas to our attention. One of our first areas of focus will be the empty lot on 4th Avenue next to Midwestern Clothing Company.
Our utility departments continue making major investments in infrastructure. The planned improvements include the design work for a new substation on the west end of Rochelle on Illinois Route 38, the construction of a new 138Kv line that will tie all RMU substations together to reduce outages, the design and beginning construction of a new iron removal water treatment plant at Caron Road, continued updates to the Wastewater Treatment Plant and cleaning and repainting of the water tower located on Illinois Route 251 at the overpass.
Our Public Works and engineering departments have numerous storm sewer and street improvement projects planned this year including the reconstruction and signalization of the 20th Street and Flagg Road intersection, bridge improvements at 7th Avenue and Kyte Creek, rebuilding numerous alleys throughout the town and the cap and closure of Unit 1 at the Rochelle Landfill.
Finally, with pending retirements in 2024 our team is implementing several departmental consolidations. These changes will improve our core service delivery, employee safety and provide a better return on investment to our taxpayers and rate payers. I believe in our team at the city and am proud to serve with everyone. Thank you to our entire staff. Rochelle is served by a group of dedicated people who work to put the community first and deliver services impartially.
“Do or do not, there is no try.” -Yoda
“Your focus determines your reality” -Qui-Gon Jinn
“It’s every citizen’s duty to challenge their leaders, to keep them honest and hold them accountable if they’re not.” -Ahsoka Tano
Jeffrey A. Fiegenschuh, ICMA-CM, MPA, is the city manager of the City of Rochelle.