The Rochelle News-Leader is implementing a new political letter policy.
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The Rochelle News-Leader is implementing a new political letter policy.
We will now be accepting election letters endorsing or advocating for or against a ballot measure, party or candidate as paid advertising announcement. The fee is $25 minimum for a 200-word letter and 10 cents a word for additional words over 250. Like other letters to the editor, the writer’s name, address and phone number are required. Phone numbers and exact addresses are not published. We have the right to reject letters which don’t meet publishing standards and will determine if the letter qualifies as a paid endorsement. Paid letters will be identified with a label and may or may not appear on the opinion/letters page.
Most newspapers that have adopted this approach cite one main reason: Political campaigns for years have used newspaper opinion pages for what amounts to free advertising. As these letter-writing campaigns become more widespread and sophisticated - some campaigns even pay people to write letters to the editor - newspapers are flooded with requests to publish them, especially in the run-up to elections.
Will we still publish letters complaining about the county board or school board? Yes. But if you want others to vote for or against a candidate, or for or against an issue on the ballot, you will need to pay a fee. Not a large fee - $25 for up to 200 words.
Some key dates to keep in mind for political endorsement letters:
The primary election is Tuesday, March 19, 2024. The last batch of letters that endorse candidates for this election will be printed in the Wednesday, March 13, 2024 issue of The Rochelle News-Leader must be received by noon on Monday, March 11, 2024.
To submit a letter, email Managing Editor Jeff Helfrich at